Marketing your business online is an incredibly powerful way to increase your visibility and to start attracting more new customers. The cost of online marketing is relatively low compared to other types and yet it’s possible to create a much more impactful and engaging campaign this way when compared with advertising in magazines for example. […]
Author: Isaac Rajan
Revealed: Here’s how to Keep Your Customers Coming Back for Life!
Many business owners – make the mistake of chasing after new leads and creating new opportunities without first making the most of the resources and opportunities they already have. If you have a website and you’re focusing all of your energy on getting new people to visit, then you are likely missing out on a […]
How to Get More Online Reviews from Customers
You’ve done it – taken the plunge and entered the online world. You are even using social media now for your business. But do I really need to worry about online reviews from my customers? The short answer is YES! In today’s inter-web driven world, a business must be online to succeed. However, utilizing that […]
10 Simple Website Hacks to Attract More Customers
For any business with an online presence, the most important role of a website is likely going to be to attract more customers. If you design your website correctly, then it should provide a huge ROI as those who land on your page are potential opportunities to make a profit and form a relationship. A […]
Marketing With Newsletters
If you’re not marketing your small business with newsletters then you need to seriously consider it! The fact of the matter is that newsletters give you as a business owner, another chance to connect with your audience. Furthermore, newsletter marketing is something that your competition may not be doing so it will give you a […]